Thursday, July 26, 2007

daily wages...

i never imagined the marketing efforts to be so difficult!! the kids are making quite good stuff. So it is time for their work to be out in the market. There are two shops that are ready to display and sell our stuff...the response was good initially but it is a little slow. The kids want wages on a daily basis so the best way would be to get an order. one of the things that i am trying is to market our file folders with organizations that hold trainings, seminars, conferences etc. If you know of any such organizations, please let me know and i can pass on the pictures of file folders as well as samples if possible.

meanwhile, to encourage the kids and to provide them with a daily wage, i give them some money on a daily basis depending on the product that they make e.g. if i plan to sell a file folder for Rs. 70 then i give rs. 10 to whoever makes the file and the rest of the money (minus the cost of material) is given once the product is sold. the adolescent kids really responded to this change and are working hard to improve the quality of the product that they are making. And this method also keeps enough pressure on me to market their work :-)

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